Here are the latest updates from the main office...
Important Dates
January 30th - NWEA MakeUp Testing for 7th and 8th
*REMINDER*Any students arriving after 10:00am must be escorted by a parent/guardian. Students arriving without an escort will automatically be given detention to serve the following school day.
*REMINDER* Students arriving to school after 11:00am must have a doctor's note to receive an excused absence for the first ½ of the school day.
Students who arrive tardy to school more than 2x a week will automatically be given a detention to serve the following school day.
With the second semester officially starting, students should now be aware and accustomed to all Student Code of Conduct. If not, please take the time to review and familiarize yourself to avoid disciplinary action.
*REMINDER*All documents that have yet been turned in are now PAST DUE and must be submitted ASAP. Payment plans are no longer being offered and all payments made must be paid in full. Students will be excluded from all extracurricular activities until paid in full. Please reach out to Bre Rivers or call (773)828-9012 for all payments and documentation.